Guide zu Manaprismen und Beschützern

      Guide zu Manaprismen und Beschützern

      Erhalt des ersten Manaprisma-Beschützers
      Quest in Grünberg vom Steuereintreiber links vom Briefkasten führt euch zu kurzer Questreihe, in der man von Cosmo in kpn oder von Kern in mzn einen Neutralisierer holen muss, den man dann bei Rita P. Stone gegen seinen ersten Manaprisma-Beschützer tauschen kann. Diese Beschützer fliegen um einen herum, verbessern unsere Werte. (Zum Start hat jeder eine Scherbe im Briefkasten, die einen auch zu der selben Quest führt, kann man also wegwerfen.)
      Aus der Quest erhält jeder den selben Beschützer, das Impuls-Hedron.
      Weitere Beschützer momentan nur aus Nickshop.
      Beschützer werden gelevelt indem man sie mit Manaprismen füttert, sinnvollerweise mit denen, die man nicht braucht. Manaprismen droppen ab sfl meist mehrere pro Run. Beschützer bekommen Eigenschaften dazu, wenn man sie levelt.
      Quest von Luther, in der man lediglich ein Manaprisma von Khapichelur in etn oder von Debronee in srn bekommen kann scheint man sehr oft machen zu müssen bis mal eins droppt.

      Im Charaktermenü findet ihr die Reiter Manaprisma und Manaprisma-Schützer.
      Kern-Manaprismen sind Ausdauer, Beweglichkeit, Stärke, Weisheit.
      Zusatz-Manaprismen sind Angriffskraft, Zauberkraft.
      Einbetten kostenlos, entfernen 15 Lösezangen.
      Es gibt zwei Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Manaprismen:
      • Füttern des Manaprisma-Beschützers
      • im Charaktermenü einbauen
      "Wähle den Manaprisma-Schützer, den du verwenden willst und berühre Aufbauen um ihn deiner Gruppe hinzuzufügen." So steht es auf dem Bildschirm. Dann erscheint er links, ist ausgerüstet, kreist um den Char herum.
      Mit Füttern wird er gelevelt.
      Level 1->2 10.000 Prisma-Ladung
      Level 2->3 30.000
      Zauber-Reset lässt ab Level 3 einen anderen passiven und einen anderen Vibrationszauber erscheinen.
      Verwerfen wegwerfen
      Es gibt Manaprisma-Schützer-Zauber und Vibrationszauber, sieht man auf der rechten Seite. Ein aktiver Zauber, ein passiver Zauber, ein Vibrationszauber und wenn man keinen normalen, sondern ein seltenes Meisterstück besitzt kommt ein Meisterstück-Zauber hinzu.

      Weiteres zu Manaprisma-Beschützern:
      Sie helfen nicht in Arena und Schlachtfeld.
      Es gibt Impuls-Hedron und Magiemotte jeweils in normal und als Meisterstück.
      Typen von Schützern: Stärke rot, Beweglichkeit grün, Weisheit blau, Ausdauer silber.
      Momentan leveln bis 3 möglich.

      Manaprismen vergrößern
      Manaprismen können bei Rita P. Stone ähnlich wie Gems zu größeren gemacht werden. Aus je 5 gleichen macht man einen größeren.
      Level 1->2 85% mit 4 Runen 100%
      Level 2->3 75% mit 8 Runen 90%
      Level 3->4 ...

      Rang 1 Magischer Verbrennungsmotor ...
      Rang 2 Magischer Energiestoß ...
      Rang 3 Magische Verschmelzungsausrüstung ...
      Rang 4 Antimagische Energiesteuerung ...

      ... der Ausdauer
      Elementlevel: 113/190/390/555
      Manaprisma-Rang: 1/2/3/4
      EP durch Fütterung: 50/270/1660/11600 Prisma-Ladung
      Ausdauer: +23/52/90/128

      ... der Beweglichkeit
      Elementlevel: 113/190/390/555
      Manaprisma-Rang: 1/2/3/4
      EP durch Fütterung: 50/270/1660/11600 Prisma-Ladung
      Beweglichkeit: +23/52/90/128

      ... der Stärke
      Elementlevel: 113/190/xx
      Manaprisma-Rang: 1/2/3
      EP durch Fütterung: 50/270/xx Prisma-Ladung
      Stärke: +23/52/xx

      ... der Weisheit
      Elementlevel: 113/190/xx
      Manaprisma-Rang: 1/2/3
      EP durch Fütterung: 50/270/ Prisma-Ladung
      Weisheit: +23/52/xx

      ... der Angriffskraft (ab Rang 3 Angriffsstärke)
      Elementlevel: 113/190/390
      Manaprisma-Rang: 1/2/3
      EP durch Fütterung: 50/270/1660 Prisma-Ladung
      Angriffskraft: +46/105/181

      ... der Zauberkraft
      Elementlevel: 113/190/xx
      Manaprisma-Rang: 1/2/3
      EP durch Fütterung: 50/270/xx Prisma-Ladung
      Zauberkraft: +27/61/xx

      Wird vielleicht ergänzt...
      Leiterin der Gilde -fair-
      Gilde mit Erwachsenen, Teamspeak, Fairness: fair :love:
      in OaC1 auf MdB/iOS und in OaC2 auf Weißspitze/iOS.
      Wir suchen Leute mit Teamspeak3, siehe "Gilden" hier im Forum.
      Infos zu Manaprisma-Beschützern von Gamelofts Facebookseite:


      Order & Chaos Online
      28. Dezember um 00:37 ·
      [GAME GUIDE] The Protectors
      Dear players, as you already know, in the latest update we have introduced a new class of magical creatures, the Protectors, able to assist your heroes in every battle, except in the Arena and in the Battlefield.
      Each protector can cast a number of powerful spells, whose number increases as you level up the Protector's level. Many of you have asked us for additional information about the Protector spells, so here is a list that we hope will clarify things a bit!
      There are currently two models of Protectors in the game, the Pulse Hadron and the Magi Moth.
      All Protectors start from level 1, and can be evolved up to level 3. In order to increase the level of a Protector it is necessary to feed them Manaprisms.
      Protectors are divided into two categories: normal Protectors and Masterpiece Protectors. The Masterpiece Protectors are much rarer to find, have greater powers and they acquire a more dazzling aspect once they are powered up to higher levels.
      Regardless of their category, all protectors belong to one of the following types:
      . Strength (red)
      . Agility (green)
      . Wisdom (blue)
      . Stamina (silver).
      As a general rule, all Protectors can have one Active Spell, one Passive Spells and one Vibration Spell, plus one Masterpiece Spell if they are Masterpiece Protectors .
      The Active spell and the Masterpiece spell are the same for each Protector of the same model and type. For example, all Strength Pulse Hadrons have the same Active spell, and all the Masterpiece Strength Pulse Hadrons have the same Active and Masterpiece spells.
      As for the Passive and the Vibration spells, each Protector will get one at random out of a pool of available spells. this increase the number of possible combinations, so that all players can hunt for the Protector that most suits their class and fight style.
      And now let's have a look at the list of all possible spells!

      1.1. STRENGHT PULSE HADRON (red)
      1.1.1. Active spell
      . Penetrating Laser: Deals 100-6000 damage to a single target.
      1.1.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Agility Hadrons):
      . Energy Field: Increases the master's Armor Value by 2,927
      . Energy Serum: Increases the master's Max HP by 2,090.
      . Energy Enhancement: Increases the master's Attack Power by 418.
      . Energy Support: Increases the master's Parry Level by 209.
      . Energy Collection: Increases the master's Hit Level by 209.
      . Energy Oscillation: Increases the master's Critical Level by 209.
      . Energy Penetration: Increases the master's Ranged Attack Power by 522.
      . Energy Dispersion: Increase the master's Dodge Level by 209.
      . Energy Overdrive: Increases the master's maximum main-hand Weapon Damage by 12.
      . Energy Surge: Increases the master's minimum main-hand Weapon Damage by 12.
      1.1.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Penetration Ray: Deals 508-726 damage to a single enemy.
      . Rapid Recharge: Increases your Max HP by 10%, lasts for 6s.
      1.1.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Grand Masterpiece: Increases the master's Strength by 250.

      1.2. AGILITY PULSE HADRON (green)
      1.2.1. Active spell
      . Laser Blast: Deals 50-4500 damage to a single target. Also deals 50-4500 damage to another enemy within 5 meters.
      1.2.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Strength Hadrons):
      . Energy Field: Increases the master's Armor Value by 2,927
      . Energy Serum: Increases the master's Max HP by 2,090.
      . Energy Enhancement: Increases the master's Attack Power by 418.
      . Energy Support: Increases the master's Parry Level by 209.
      . Energy Collection: Increases the master's Hit Level by 209.
      . Energy Oscillation: Increases the master's Critical Level by 209.
      . Energy Penetration: Increases the master's Ranged Attack Power by 522.
      . Energy Dispersion: Increase the master's Dodge Level by 209.
      . Energy Overdrive: Increases the master's maximum main-hand Weapon Damage by 12.
      . Energy Surge: Increases the master's minimum main-hand Weapon Damage by 12.
      1.2.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Dimensional Split: Increases your Dodge Chance and Movement Speed by 20%. Lasts for 6 seconds.
      . Explosion Ray: Deals 423-605 damage to a single enemy target and 302 damage to all enemies within 5 meters of the target.
      1.2.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Glorious Masterpiece: Increases the master's Agility by 250.

      1.3. WISDOM PULSE HADRON (blue)
      1.3.1. Active spell
      . Healing Laser: Heals 50-7785 HP for master within 20 meters.
      1.3.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Stamina Hadrons):
      . Energy Expansion: Increases the master's Mana, Morale, Vigor or Power by 7%.
      . Energy Scorch: Increases the master's Spell Power by 243.
      . Energy Explosion: Increases the master's Spell Critical Level by 209.
      . Energy Cycle: Increases the master's Spell Haste Level by 209.
      . Energy Lock: Increases the master's Spell Hit Level by 209.
      . Energy Cover: Decreases all damage the master's receive by 5%.
      . Energy Recover: Increases the master's Health Regeneration by 83.
      . Energy Crystallization: Increases the master's Resilience by 209.
      . Energy Resurgence: Increases the master's regeneration rate for Mana, Morale or Vigor by 12%.
      . Energy Shift: Increases the master's Dodge Chance by 209.
      1.3.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Melting Laser: Deals 466-665 Fire Damage to all enemies within 5 meters of a target enemy.
      . Group Restore: Heals all allies within 5 meters of the target for 9% of their Max HP.
      1.3.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Miraculous Masterpiece: Increases the master's Wisdom by 250.

      1.4. STAMINA PULSE HADRON (silver)
      1.4.1. Active spell
      . Slow Laser: Lowers a single enemy's Movement Speed by 20%. Lasts for 3 seconds.
      1.4.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Wisdom Hadrons):
      . Energy Expansion: Increases the master's Mana, Morale, Vigor or Power by 7%.
      . Energy Scorch: Increases the master's Spell Power by 243.
      . Energy Explosion: Increases the master's Spell Critical Level by 209.
      . Energy Cycle: Increases the master's Spell Haste Level by 209.
      . Energy Lock: Increases the master's Spell Hit Level by 209.
      . Energy Cover: Decreases all damage the master's receive by 5%.
      . Energy Recover: Increases the master's Health Regeneration by 83.
      . Energy Crystallization: Increases the master's Resilience by 209.
      . Energy Resurgence: Increases the master's regeneration rate for Mana, Morale or Vigor by 12%.
      . Energy Shift: Increases the master's Dodge Chance by 209.
      1.4.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Reinforce: Decreases all damage you receive by 13%. Lasts 8 seconds.
      . Energy Fountain: Restores 20% of Max Power to all allies within 5 meters of your target.
      1.4.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Eternal Masterpiece: Increases the master's Stamina by 250.

      (Fortsetzung folgt im nächsten Beitrag, da Forum nur 10.000 Zeichen zulässt.
      Leiterin der Gilde -fair-
      Gilde mit Erwachsenen, Teamspeak, Fairness: fair :love:
      in OaC1 auf MdB/iOS und in OaC2 auf Weißspitze/iOS.
      Wir suchen Leute mit Teamspeak3, siehe "Gilden" hier im Forum.

      2. MAGI MOTH
      2.1. STRENGTH MAGI MOTH (red)
      2.1.1. Active spell
      . Silversilk Bonds: Immobilizes an enemy for 1 second.
      2.1.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Agility Moths):
      . Metallic Protection: Increases the Master's Armor Value by 1756 and HP by 836.
      . Metallic Drive: Increases the Master's Melee Attack Speed by 4%.
      . Metallic Focus: Increases the Master's Attack Power level by 209 and Hit Chance level by 209.
      . Metallic Conduction: Every time the Master hits a target enemy, the Master's Melee Attack Speed will be increased by 2%; lasts for 6 seconds. this can be stacked up to 5 times.
      . Metallic Forging: Increases the Master's Armor Value by 6146 when their HP is below 30%.
      . Metallic Dynamic: Increases the Master's Critical Hit Chance level by 209.
      . Metallic Honing: Increases the Master's Spell Critical Damage by 7%.
      . Metallic Erosion: The Master recovers 0.7% of their Max Mana, Morale or Vigor every time they deal damage to an enemy.
      . Metallic Extension: When the Master receives a Critical Hit, they have a 30% chance to increase the damage of their next spell by 15%.
      . Metallic Alacrity: Increases the Master's Dodge Chance level by 209.
      2.1.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Virulent Dust: Deals 500 damage to all targets within 5 meters and inflicts the Virulent Dust effect on them, increasing all damage the targets receive by 3% for 10 seconds. When this effect ends, it deals 5,000 damage to the targets.
      . Light of Nature: Increases the Max HP of all allies within 8 meters by 10%. Lasts for 5 seconds.
      2.1.4. Masterpiece spell
      Grand Masterpiece: Increases the Master's Strength by 250.

      2.2. AGILITY MAGI MOTH (green)
      2.2.1. Active spell
      . Rapid Strike: Attacks a single enemy 5 times in rapid succession, each time dealing 12-825 damage.
      2.2.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Strength Moths):
      . Metallic Protection: Increases the Master's Armor Value by 1756 and HP by 836.
      . Metallic Drive: Increases the Master's Melee Attack Speed by 4%.
      . Metallic Focus: Increases the Master's Attack Power level by 209 and Hit Chance level by 209.
      . Metallic Conduction: Every time the Master hits a target enemy, the Master's Melee Attack Speed will be increased by 2%; lasts for 6 seconds. this can be stacked up to 5 times.
      . Metallic Forging: Increases the Master's Armor Value by 6146 when their HP is below 30%.
      . Metallic Dynamic: Increases the Master's Critical Hit Chance level by 209.
      . Metallic Honing: Increases the Master's Spell Critical Damage by 7%.
      . Metallic Erosion: The Master recovers 0.7% of their Max Mana, Morale or Vigor every time they deal damage to an enemy.
      . Metallic Extension: When the Master receives a Critical Hit, they have a 30% chance to increase the damage of their next spell by 15%.
      . Metallic Alacrity: Increases the Master's Dodge Chance level by 209.
      2.2.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Metallic Barrage: Attacks all enemies within 6 meters 5 times in rapid succession, each time dealing 423-605 damage.
      . Soul of Flower: Increases Critical Hit level by 627, lasts 6 seconds.
      2.2.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Glorious Masterpiece: Increases the Master's Agility by 250.

      2.3. WISDOM MAGI MOTH (blue)
      2.3.1. Active spell
      . Rapid Healing: Heals the Master 5 times in rapid succession, each time restoring 24-1868 HP.
      2.3.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Stamina Moths):
      . Metallic Distortion: If the Master doesn't deal critical damage with a spell or attack, they have a 20% chance of their next spell gaining an additional 2% Critical Hit Chance. Lasts for 10 seconds and can be stacked up to 5 times. this effect ends once the Master deals a Critical Hit.
      . Metal Infusion: Increases the Master's Spell Power and Spell Hit Level by 157.
      . Metallic Cover: When the Master takes any damage, they have a 15% chance that the next time they take damage it will be halved.
      . Metallic Diffusion: Increases the Master's Spell Haste Level by 209.
      . Metallic Echo: Increases the Master's Silence Resistance by 15%.
      . Metallic Oscillation: Increases the potency of all healing effects applied to the Master by 8%.
      . Metallic Reconstruction: Increases the Master's Regeneration rate for HP and Mana by 49.
      . Metallic Tempering: Increases the Master's HP Regeneration greatly when their HP is below 30%.
      . Metallic Resolve: Increases the Master's Max Mana and HP by 166.
      . Metallic Deflection: Increases the Master's Parry level by 83.
      2.3.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . dance of Flame: Inflicts all nearby enemies with the "Dance of Flame" effect, decreasing their Movement Speed by 20% and causing them to lose 922-1246 HP every 2 seconds. Lasts for 10 seconds.
      . Second Wind: Grants all allies within 5 meters the "Inexhaustible Breath" effect, healing 922-1246 HP every 3 seconds while boosting all other healing effects received by 20%. Lasts 10 seconds.
      2.3.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Miraculous Masterpiece: Increases your Wisdom by 250.

      2.4. STAMINA MAGI MOTH (silver)
      2.4.1. Active spell
      . Vex: Decrease a single enemy's Spell Hit Chance by 2% for 3 seconds.
      2.4.2. Passive spell
      One spell at random among the following ten (same for the Wisdom Moths):
      . Metallic Distortion: If the Master doesn't deal critical damage with a spell or attack, they have a 20% chance of their next spell gaining an additional 2% Critical Hit Chance. Lasts for 10 seconds and can be stacked up to 5 times. this effect ends once the Master deals a Critical Hit.
      . Metal Infusion: Increases the Master's Spell Power and Spell Hit Level by 157.
      . Metallic Cover: When the Master takes any damage, they have a 15% chance that the next time they take damage it will be halved.
      . Metallic Diffusion: Increases the Master's Spell Haste Level by 209.
      . Metallic Echo: Increases the Master's Silence Resistance by 15%.
      . Metallic Oscillation: Increases the potency of all healing effects applied to the Master by 8%.
      . Metallic Reconstruction: Increases the Master's Regeneration rate for HP and Mana by 49.
      . Metallic Tempering: Increases the Master's HP Regeneration greatly when their HP is below 30%.
      . Metallic Resolve: Increases the Master's Max Mana and HP by 166.
      . Metallic Deflection: Increases the Master's Parry level by 83.
      2.4.3. Vibration spell
      One spell at random among the following two:
      . Soul Assimilation: Attacks a single enemy 5 times in rapid succession, each time dealing 800 damage. Then heal master equal to 700% of master's HP Regeneration.
      . Ashes of Life: Your protector burns itself up into a revitalizing ash, healing all allies for 45% of their Max HP.
      2.4.4. Masterpiece spell
      . Eternal Masterpiece: Increases your Stamina by 250.

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      this <- THIS
      dance <- DANCE
      Leiterin der Gilde -fair-
      Gilde mit Erwachsenen, Teamspeak, Fairness: fair :love:
      in OaC1 auf MdB/iOS und in OaC2 auf Weißspitze/iOS.
      Wir suchen Leute mit Teamspeak3, siehe "Gilden" hier im Forum.