Hallo, ich habe heute bereits das Ganze auf Google+ geposted.
Ich zitiere das ganze Mal (ist englisch, aber sollte verständlich sein)
Ich zitiere das ganze Mal (ist englisch, aber sollte verständlich sein)
Hello everyone, I guess someone from you guys remember, when I named BOB Healer as scammer, cause he offered me Flameheadring and wanted me to migrate to HOB Server.
There is a way to make it look like, you dropped a vanity in chest, even when you are not. I don't wanna explain how it works, but I just wanna make you all sceptic, if you going to buy a vanity and prevent to get scammed.
On experiments morning, I used Guild League Reward Chest and was really able, to make a screenshot, looking like, there is an Eristar Bear Emblem and a 30 Days War Free Brand in chest.
But for real it's just crap. It looks legit, cause chest is still opened and I am kneeing on it.
Everyone, be sceptic, when someone offers you a vanity and when on screenshot is just a vanity in chest only. A vanity drops always as additional drop.
Have a nice day.
Liebe Grüße,
Gameloft wird Runen nicht umsonst verschenken! Und schon gar nicht durch Eingabe Deiner Account-Daten. Bitte gib Deine Account-Daten zum Schutze Deiner Charaktere nirgendwo an!
Gameloft wird Runen nicht umsonst verschenken! Und schon gar nicht durch Eingabe Deiner Account-Daten. Bitte gib Deine Account-Daten zum Schutze Deiner Charaktere nirgendwo an!