Update #20 verfügbar + Diskussionsthread

      Mrs-More schrieb:

      So ich hab jetzt auch kein Bock mehr auf oac. Wie viele Hacker in letzter zeit da sind und Gameloft nichts macht. Bannen für gem bug aber nicht für hacks?
      -30 gegen 2 obernoobs mit unsichtbarkeits hack.
      ich bin weg bis die was dagegen machen.
      Ist mir auch mal passiert -60
      melde sie an support mit diese bilder als beweis, da reagieren sie ziemlich schnell
      Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha der Witz war soooooo gut Bin_Heal,
      den deutschen Support und den englschen sollte man gleich in die Mülltonne werfen weil die einfach nix drauf haben. Viel spass beim lesen

      Dear Chris

      Thank you for contacting Gameloft Customer Care.

      This player was indeed reported by many players and our development team checked his account.

      However, they found nothing strange or abnormal, that is why he wasn't banned.

      I have asked our development team to re-check him once again. If there is any error on our end, we will take all the appropriate measures.

      I'll get back to you with the results of the additional investigation as soon as possible.


      Hello Chris,

      Thank you for replying.

      Our development team checked account "Saul" once again.

      They did not find anything strange or abnormal on his account.

      In order to investigate further we need you to provide us with some video or screenshots that shows the cheat.

      We truly appreciate your co-operation and support!

      Kind regards,

      Siehe Bilder im Anhang, 47 minuten left bei der Goldenen Chest auf 401 Runs, zweiten Bild 402 runs auf 46 min, also 1 min für einen Run, wenn man loadscreen dazuzählt hat er 30 sec Run gemacht. darauf antwortet mir GL.

      Hello Chris,

      Thank you for the information provided.

      Unfortunately the screenshots you have sent do not prove that this player made all of 402 dungeon runes in very short period of time.

      While I'm sorry for your misfortune and understand how you must be feeling, there is little I can do in this case. I hope that, in spite of this setback, you are able to continue to enjoy the game.

      Please contact us again if there’s anything further we can help with.

      Best regards

      Ab hhier kann ich den schlechten Support nicht mehr ernst nehmen, hallo sollte ich ein Tagebuch führen über den Hacker? Sollte ich 400+ Screenshots aufbewahren für das? Ich hab denen danach geantwortet:

      Dear Costumer Support,
      I'm one of the loyalst player, after getting ninjad, after lose some stuff in my chest im still playing.
      But losing a tournament vs a hacker is enough, i spend so much time for it.
      As i said some emails before, i havent proof of all 434 runs, but i have proof of 1 fast run, it has to be enough.
      As example, if i would do gem bug 1 time, and 433 legit you want bann me? You will because i used this glitch hack or whatever it is 1 time


      Thanks for your reply.

      Gameloft is determined to preserve a competitive and fair playing environment for our loyal players.

      Please note however that we cannot ban a player unless we have some solid proof of him having cheated.

      After investigating this account our developers have found nothing abnormal or suspicious.

      As we have already informed you, the screenshot does not prove that this player has completed these dungeons in several minutes, therefore we cannot ban him.

      If there’s anything further that we can help with, please feel free to contact us again at any time.

      Best regards,

      So jetzt m ernst.......
      Der Support ist nur Müll und müsste echt mal ersetzt werden...

      • image.jpg

        265,72 kB, 960×640, 123 mal angesehen
      • image.jpg

        265,25 kB, 960×640, 137 mal angesehen

      Naja man kann drüber streiten ob der grad bei last war oder nicht. Ein Bild mit einer Stunden spanne wäre vllt besser. Wenn die sehen das er in 1 Stunde ( auf dem screen 0d 19h) 300 run hat und dann bei 0d 18h 340 hat würden die vllt bannen. Aber auf om bekommen die Chinesen in 2s und 4s alle 200 Rating in einer Nacht. Da frage ich mich dann gegen wen diegewinnen

      Into The NighT schrieb:

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha der Witz war soooooo gut Bin_Heal,
      den deutschen Support und den englschen sollte man gleich in die Mülltonne werfen weil die einfach nix drauf haben. Viel spass beim lesen

      Dear Chris

      Thank you for contacting Gameloft Customer Care.

      This player was indeed reported by many players and our development team checked his account.

      However, they found nothing strange or abnormal, that is why he wasn't banned.

      I have asked our development team to re-check him once again. If there is any error on our end, we will take all the appropriate measures.

      I'll get back to you with the results of the additional investigation as soon as possible.


      Hello Chris,

      Thank you for replying.

      Our development team checked account "Saul" once again.

      They did not find anything strange or abnormal on his account.

      In order to investigate further we need you to provide us with some video or screenshots that shows the cheat.

      We truly appreciate your co-operation and support!

      Kind regards,

      Siehe Bilder im Anhang, 47 minuten left bei der Goldenen Chest auf 401 Runs, zweiten Bild 402 runs auf 46 min, also 1 min für einen Run, wenn man loadscreen dazuzählt hat er 30 sec Run gemacht. darauf antwortet mir GL.

      Hello Chris,

      Thank you for the information provided.

      Unfortunately the screenshots you have sent do not prove that this player made all of 402 dungeon runes in very short period of time.

      While I'm sorry for your misfortune and understand how you must be feeling, there is little I can do in this case. I hope that, in spite of this setback, you are able to continue to enjoy the game.

      Please contact us again if there’s anything further we can help with.

      Best regards

      Ab hhier kann ich den schlechten Support nicht mehr ernst nehmen, hallo sollte ich ein Tagebuch führen über den Hacker? Sollte ich 400+ Screenshots aufbewahren für das? Ich hab denen danach geantwortet:

      Dear Costumer Support,
      I'm one of the loyalst player, after getting ninjad, after lose some stuff in my chest im still playing.
      But losing a tournament vs a hacker is enough, i spend so much time for it.
      As i said some emails before, i havent proof of all 434 runs, but i have proof of 1 fast run, it has to be enough.
      As example, if i would do gem bug 1 time, and 433 legit you want bann me? You will because i used this glitch hack or whatever it is 1 time


      Thanks for your reply.

      Gameloft is determined to preserve a competitive and fair playing environment for our loyal players.

      Please note however that we cannot ban a player unless we have some solid proof of him having cheated.

      After investigating this account our developers have found nothing abnormal or suspicious.

      As we have already informed you, the screenshot does not prove that this player has completed these dungeons in several minutes, therefore we cannot ban him.

      If there’s anything further that we can help with, please feel free to contact us again at any time.

      Best regards,

      So jetzt m ernst.......
      Der Support ist nur Müll und müsste echt mal ersetzt werden...

      Da gebe ich auch support recht, auf dein screenshot sieht man nur dass er ein dungeon innnerhalb einer stunde gemacht hat, sie brauchen beweise um jemandem zu bannen
      Der Witz der ganzen Geschichte, ich werde in dick markieren extra.
      Kumpel hat mir bisschen ausgeholfen.

      Dear David,

      Thank you for replying.

      We do have the possibility to send champion items to players in exchange for runes. But we need to prove that the reported player was cheating to win the tournament in the first place.

      Until now we didn't receive any reliable evidence of the cheat. We need either a video or screen shots showing that the player was doing dungeon runs in a very short time. Indeed, from the server logs we can't identify him as a cheater.

      In case you anyone who has made video or screen shot proofs, please ask him/her to contact us.

      Thank you for your understanding

      Das ist doch ein Witz Gameloft...

      Der support ist wirklich Dreck muss man sagen, hab denen geschrieben dass ich unrechtmäßig gebannt wurde und die schicken mir einfach nur den Text der kommt wenn man sich einloggt (wegen der Ausnutzung eines Fehlers im Spiel blabla...) und dann schreiben sie mir dass der Bann nicht aufgehoben werden kann. Lappen.
      Und den infamous-archer der im battlefield speedhack benutzt juckt GL auch nicht, der läuft noch frei rum.
      MDB :thumbsup:

      Verix: Archer lvl 70

      Sirmin: Heal lvl 70